Sunday, March 15, 2009

Table 9 shows that 12(60%) of our respondents sharing their masturbation experience to their friends does not improve their social life while 8(40%) of our respondents stated that says that it improves their social life.

Table 9 do their sharing masturbation experience helps in their social life.
Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 8 40%
No 12 60%
Total 20 100%

Table 10 A is showing the ways of the respondents in committing orgasm while masturbating. 7(29.17%) of them answered that they are reading pornographic reading materials before masturbating while 14(53.33%) of them stated that they are watching pornographic videos before masturbating. Furthermore the remaining number of the respondents, 3(12.5%)of them answered that they are scanning pornographic magazines before they do masturbation

Table 10 A the respondent’s way on reaching orgasm
Ways Frequency Percentage
Reading pornographic materials 7 29.17%
Watching pornographic videos 14 58.33%
Scanning pornographic magazines 3 12.5%
Total 20 100%

The table 10 b is showing that 3(15%) of the respondents uses lotion in reaching up orgasm, 3(15%) of them Also says that they use oil, 5(25%) use shampoo, 1(5%) use sex toys and 5(25%) of them says that they are using soap for lubrication in doing masturbation to reach orgasm.

Table 10 B the respondent’s materials in reaching orgasm
Materials Frequency Percentage
Lotion 3 15%
Oil 3 15%
Shampoo 5 25%
Sex toys 1 5%
Soap 5 25%
None 3
Total 20 100%

Table 11 shows that 7 (35%) of the respondents stated that masturbation is a sin. The remaining number of the respondents have answered that masturbation is not a sin actually.

Table 11 the respondent’s view if masturbation is a sin
Responce Frequency Percentage
Yes 7 35%
No 13 65%
Total 20 100%

Table 12 shows that 5 (25%) of the respondents agree that the church must have to prohibit masturbation whiole in the other hand 15 (75%) do not agree that church must prohibit masturbation.

Table 12 the respondent’s reaction for the church to prohibit masturbation
Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 5 25%
No 15 75%
Total 20 100%

Table 13 shows that five (5) among the respondents says that masturbation can help a person in gaining height. On the other hand fifteen (15) of them stated that masturbation cannot make a person go taller.

Table 13 the respondents views on masturbation can make you tall.
responce Frequency Percentage
Yes 5 25%
No 15 75%
Total 20 100%

Table 14 states shows that the respondents don’t believe that masturbation can make them go blind. None of them (0%) answered that masturbation can make a person go blind while all of the respondents (100%) answered that masturbation cannot make a person go blind.

Table 14 the respondent’s views on if masturbation can make you go blind.
Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 0 0%
No 20 100%
Total 20 100%

Table 15 shows that the respondents answered masturbation can help them sleep. 12(60%) of the respondents answered that they do masturbation in order to sleep while 8(40%) answered that masturbation doesn’t help them sleep.

Table 15 the respondent’s response in masturbation can help a person to sleep.
Response Frequency Percentage
Yes 12 60%
No 8 40%
Total 20 100%

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